Enrique Llorente was the Mexican Consul who headed the Madero secret service agency on the border and lived at this location in El Paso. He ran an espionage agency that had over 200 spies which he paid with his half-million doallar budget. One section of these spies reported directly to Llorente and were in charge of stopping arms-smuggling at the border by Orozco’s counter-revolutionary forces and keep tallies on the PLM members still active within the El Paso area. The spies would stand at houses or place of business in order to carry out their duties and keep track of the counter-revolutionary forces. Later he continued his espionage tactics for Villa in the mid-teens calling his new “team” La Policia Secreta del Norte. Through his associations with Villa he often served as the middle man between VIlla and government officials. He would correspond with them and assert Villa’s ideologies and stance on ideas. Llorente kept a close eye on Victor Ochoa and his smuggling of weapons for the Carrancistas. Later, in the late teens, he became a director of the Alianzia Liberal Mexicana and helped in the establishment of this organization.